” So, they signaled to their partners in the other boat for them to come and help them.”
~ Luke 5:7a
The fulfillment of the Great Commission requires that the Church explicitly collaborates with one another in the use of time, treasure, and talent to share the Gospel with the unreached peoples of the world. Partnership is God’s time-tested means to exponentially multiply laborers among the lost, and to strategically expand the Kingdom, quickly and efficiently.
We seek strategic connection and partnership with like-minded organizations, churches, and individuals who are committed to laboring together for the Great Commission. The importance and the vastness of the mission field along with the shortage of workers’ demands that we who love Christ work together to leverage our efforts for maximum impact for good. In an attempt to advance the Kingdom through strategic partnerships with other like-minded organizations, Sowing Seeds of Joy strives to combine its efforts with others who are interested in providing quality training.
“Through strategic partnership and training, we can come alongside indigenous Christians around the world to help plant the seeds of the gospel that will reap a hundred-fold, or sixty, or thirty to help advance the kingdom of God and make His name known in all nations.”
~ John Addink How I Lost $1,500,000 in Missions
The Sowing Seeds of Joy Seed Alliance
The SEED ALLIANCE is comprised of agencies and organizations who have entered
into acceptable memorandums of understanding (MOUs) with Sowing Seeds of Joy
to render services for the purpose of connecting, equipping, training, and mobilizing.

Bear Creek Community Church (Irving, TX)) cultivates religious growth and spiritual learning. Their desire is that through ministry, they will reflect their mission to reach people for Jesus Christ and become more like Him. Sowing Seeds of Joy (SSOJ) partners with BCCC to build on its vision and to support that of BCCC’s. Bear Creek Community Church members have embraced the missions training of SSOJ empowering them to send well-equipped teams to New Orleans, Mendenhall, Mississippi, and Haiti.
They are looking to expand their missional reach into Honduras. The partnership has resulted in BCCC’s annual support of fifty school children in Haiti and the church-plant of Saint Elizabeth Baptist Church in Pignon. From its inventory, SSOJ has provided blankets, socks, and toiletries to BCCC to aid their efforts in serving the homeless in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metro-plex; in like fashion, BCCC has supported SSOJ in its endeavors to provide school supplies to kids in Mississippi and Belize.

Missio Nexus represents over 53,000 staff members of organizations, churches, and businesses engaged in the Great Commission. Their vision is to see missional leaders accelerating the fulfillment of the Great Commission in servant partnership with the church globally. At Missio Nexus you will learn what you cannot learn anywhere else, meet people you otherwise won’t meet, and engage in a community like none other.

Cornerstone Baptist Church (Arlington, TX) has been one of few predominantly African American churches in the state of Texas to host a Perspectives course. It was done as a result of the partnership established between church leadership and Sowing Seeds of Joy founders Ron and Star Nelson.
Ron and Star are trained and seasoned coordinators of the discipleship/leadership course; and Ron is an instructor for lessons 2 & 3. The partnership and relationship have resulted in Cornerstone rendering financial support, and Ron preaching and teaching occasionally.

Saint Mark (Little Rock, AR) has flourished and is impacting the local and global communities in awesome ways. Their consistent and faithful financial support to Sowing Seeds of Joy have allowed them to claim and extend global reach into the regions of the world where SSOJ serves.
Partnership has been strong and purposeful, stemming from the Nelson’s past involvement as members and their significant roles in starting the missions ministry at Saint Mark from scratch.

Zion Church’s (Bentonville, AR) partnership with Sowing Seeds of Joy has resulted in the church’s, its pastor, and congregation’s strong and obvious display of obedience for participation in the Great Commission. Since the inception of the partnership, the senior pastor of Zion Church has welcomed Zoom presentations given by SSOJ founders Ron and Star Nelson in keeping with their mantra - Equipping God's People.

Mayfield Missionary Baptist Church (Fort Worth, TX) believes Jesus told them to make disciples of all nations. The congregants believe that one of the most important values of their church is their mission to the world. It begins in their own community, and spreads overseas to every nation.
Mayfield Missionary Baptist Church members are involved in a variety of ministries from things as simple as washing the church vehicles, to preparing the church bulletins. They believe that their partnership with Sowing Seeds of Joy amplifies their call and purpose as a church. They would say that they support SSOJ’s going because they as a full body cannot go.

Saint Mary Missionary Baptist Church’s (Bradenton, FL) partnership with Sowing Seeds of Joy is expressed through the women’s ministry. As a result of a missions presentation given years ago at the church by the Nelsons and the women there learning of the plight of young girls in the slums of Kenya, the ministry decided to send a quarterly financial gift to support the work. What impressed the Saint Mary Missionary Baptist Church women was SSOJ’s work in transporting thousands of sanitary napkins to Kenya for young caught in sex trafficking.

Greater Archview Baptist Church (Little Rock, AR) is very kingdom-minded; they worship and work to their core belief “God is Changing Us.” Senior Pastor Ken Martin and First-Lady Laura traveled to Kenya with SSOJ founders Ron and Star Nelson years ago and found the experience worthwhile and impactful.
The relationship and subsequent partnership, resulted in Greater Achview’s support of Sowing Seeds of Joy, and several invitations for Pastor Nelson speaking on “Mission” Sundays.

A proverbs - 31 woman, Carmen Foy, founder, and CEO of PurityGirl, captured our hearts from the first moment we met her. She and husband Barak are a dynamite duo for God’s kingdom. As team members on a Sowing Seeds of Joy mission trip to Belize, they displayed their servant hearts to those they ministered to, but more importantly, on display was their apparent walk with Jesus. The friendship and partnership with SSOJ as resulted in eternal fruit: workshops devised to sow seeds into the lives of young girls, conversations that nurtured vision, and training from and alongside SSOJ that catapulted PurityGirl to the next level of ministry. As founders of Sowing Seeds of Joy, we are honored to serve as PurityGirl, Inc. Organization Advisors.
Training / Internship
The Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Mission (SOE) is a membership, accrediting, and resourcing body for churches, agencies and schools providing benefits and services to members and non-members. SOE desires to make mission trips better by helping mission sending and receiving entities apply The Seven Standards to their specific ministry context through coaching and consulting, on-site training and mobilization, and conferences and workshops.

NAAMC is recognized globally as a trailblazer in the world of missions and sets the standard for excellence in mobilizing African Americans and People of Color.
Since 2014 NAAMC has worked tirelessly to transform people into effective advocates in establishing a global missions ministry within their local church. We promote short-term experiences in missions that often lead to long-term service. We equip church influencers and innovators to help revive the African American missions focus and take action towards keeping their church engaged in the Great Commission.

TEAM, The Evangelical Alliance Mission, began in 1890 as one man’s dream to send 100 missionaries to China. Today, it’s a global missions agency that partners with local churches to send missionaries and plant reproducing churches around the world.
Our missionaries have a passion to go where the most people have the greatest need. They serve through church planting, community development, healthcare, social justice, business as mission and more. But whatever their ministry, each missionary has the same goal: proclaiming the Gospel in word and deed.

Dallas International University offers specialized education that is unlike many other colleges and institutions. Our experienced faculty offer education in the fields of linguistics, language & culture learning, anthropology, literacy, translation, world arts, Abrahamic studies, and international service. Our 1700+ alumni are using this education to make an impact around the world!

At Columbia Biblical Seminary, we produce leaders who think biblically, grow spiritually and minister effectively. We’ll help you develop your ministry gift while preparing you for your desired career.
While earning your degree, you’ll connect with our faculty as they provide superior academic instruction, patient spiritual nurture, effective ministry coaching and compassionate personal support.
Our mission is to assist the church in equipping Great Commission Christians for culturally-relevant ministry among the nations.

Jesus desires that every tribe, language, people, and nation is represented in His family -- so much so that he said the end would not come until every people group hears the gospel of the Kingdom. There are still thousands of people groups who have never heard the Good News, but the Church is making progress! We can complete the global task God has given us.

HIM was founded to help provide opportunities to the people of Haiti. As the needs are great, so are the broad range of outreaches they conduct. With resources provided, Sowing Seeds of Joy, in partnership with Bear Creek Community Church of Irving, TX, come alongside HIM’s leadership who selects projects to provide infrastructure to the individual and community. One such collaboration was the planting and construction of the Elizabeth Baptist Church in Pignon, Haiti. Heavy emphasis is placed on education and practical needs, including feeding the poor.

One Lamb got started as a result of the impact from watching a CNN Freedom Project documentary in 2011 that highlighted human trafficking and prostitution of children in India and Nepal. Further research revealed that in Kenya, girls as young as 12 at the coast and as young as 8 in the slums are commercially sexually exploited, many times under the coercion of a parent or caregiver. Sowing Seeds of Joy partners and supports the work to address and combat prostitution of children. Fund is sent to help Care Centers where victims of child sexual exploitation can find healing - physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and socially. “One Lamb” gets its name from the parable of the shepherd in Matthew 18 who left the 99 sheep that were safe and went out to rescue the one that was lost.

The Lord commanded His people to make disciples of all nations, and that Great Commission is at the center of everything YWAM Belize does. Sowing Seeds of Joy partners in bringing up a generation of Christian leaders within the nation of Belize. SSOJ has joined YWAM Belize in transforming communities through the Seven Spheres of Influence: Family, Religion – (Spirituality), Business – (Economy, Finance), Politics – (Government), and Education. SSOJ provides resources and volunteers (short-term teams) in aid in this effort.

PICE is a non-profit religious institution located in in São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil. Sowing Seeds of Joy, since 2013, have come alongside to carry out missionary work in the communities of northeast Brazil. Much of the financial support and the sending of short-term missions teams have gone toward aiding the growth and development of leaders among the indigenous Indians. More recent support has been in the area of church and family development.