Truth sometimes gets lost when there is a flood of disinformation, alternative facts, and tribalism. The question is what tribe has priority in your life? Is it your spiritual community, family, work, social, political affiliation or country? You will know the answer to that question when you make compromises or sacrifices to stay connected to the tribe you value the most.
The definition of “Alternative” is, “a proposition or situation offering a choice between two or more things only one of which may be chosen”. The definition of “Facts”, “a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true”. The definition of “Truth” is, “that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality”.
We are living in a time when the telling of history in some states in our country is determined by the discomfort some may have in hearing the truth, facts, and reality of what transpired in history. The preference is for alternative facts to be presented to allow the upcoming generations to feel comfortable about the telling of historical events and facts. George Santayana, an American philosopher from 1863-1952 is often quoted saying, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it” and Howard Zinn an American historian from 1924-2010 reminds us “If you don’t know history, it’s as if you were born yesterday. If you were born yesterday, then any leader can tell you anything.”
Denying and not knowing factual history allows leaders to tell people a false narrative of history. Christians are faced with the reality of putting God’s truth above all other information. There are no alternative facts if the scriptures do not confirm those facts. That is why we are instructed to meditate on the Word of God. It is important to study the scriptures for yourself and know what God’s truth says. This will minimize deception and limit the opportunity to be led astray by manipulative leaders who present alternative facts.
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world”. James 1:27 ESV
Messages that seek to divide us and hate each other are not biblical truth and it is a message from this world. Children of God, we no longer belong to this world. Reject messages of fear, hatred, and division. The tribe that must have your priority is the Kingdom of God’s tribe. God’s tribe is not divided by race, geographic location, income or political affiliation. Love God and Love all People!
Save the Date of October 4-6, 2024, and plan to attend the Sowing Seeds of Joy, Inc. Missions Conference. Spiritual leaders and Pastors across the global diaspora are invited to the Dallas University Campus (formerly known as SIL) at 7500 W. Camp Wisdom Road Dallas, TX 75236. Let’s make this a time for celebrating each other and committing to serve with each other by respecting how we can learn from each other to bring the Christian Gospel to the nations. Let the nations be glad because they see us Blacks, Whites, Africans, Asians, Americans, and Europeans serving and loving each other.
With a new variant of the COVID virus resurging, a popular song during the 2020 COVID pandemic was Jerusalema, by Master KG featuring Nomcebo. As the world danced to the beat, I wondered how many knew the meaning of the lyrics. God used this song created by South African artists to draw the hearts of people back to Him. The South African music track and dance steps performed by Angola dancers caught the imagination of politicians, priests and millions during the COVID Pandemic. This song filled a need to appreciate what we have and dance as COVID was raging in many nations causing fear and death. God used Africans from South Africa, Angola, Nigeria (Burna Boy) to inspire people in many nations to dance to the gospel house beat while the artists sang in Swahili for God to save us. Ponder that thought for a minute. The pandemic and this song demonstrated how we are all connected globally. The gospel house beat drew us in, but the words to the song were, save us, don’t leave us, this is not our kingdom, and this is not our place.
Now listen to the song Jerusalema on YouTube and watch the people from the various countries dance during the challenging times of COVID. Master KG said in an interview with the South African newspaper Sowetan. “It is a dance that was done by people from Angola, then Portugal followed, and it just went viral from that point,” Below the first link is for a video of the Angolan Dancers who created the dance steps, and the second link is an interview of Master KG and Nomcebo at a South African television station explaining how this song came together. You will see the COVID statistics at that time displayed on the news feed.
Be Safe and Blessings for a strong immune system!
Master KG talks on his massive Global Hit